Chabrillac Transporte

Contact Our France Representatives

Atacama Large Millimeter Array

Utilising a Nooteboom extra low bed trailer, Chabrillac began the project of transporting 26 loads from Nantes, France to Antwerp, Belgium. 

Route To Space

Ultimately destined for the ALMA radio telescope site in the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile each load faced a four day journey to arrive safely in Antwerp. 

One of the loads, a 24 tonne Cabin Container, featured a static 5m width requiring expert manoeuvrability along the entire route to ensure safe passage.  Added to this was the cargo's sensitivity to bending, to address this issue Chabrillac utilised a double rocking fifth wheel in order to prevent torsion to the trailer. Over a two year period each of the 26 loads travelled the route from Nantes to Antwerp arriving safely and to schedule at their destination for onward shipment to Chile.

ALMA is an international partnership among Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Republic of Chile and aims to open an entirely new window on the Universe, allowing scientists to unravel longstanding and important astronomical mysteries, in search of our Cosmic Origins.

Route To Space Alliance

+33 (0)5 62 71 97 96

Route To Space Alliance SAS, ZA de VIC, 4 Route des Transports, F-31320 Castanet Tolosan, France.