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Thrust SSC & Thrust 2

The Collett Team were approached by Coventry Transport Museum to relocate Thrust 2 and Thrust SSC to their new gallery within the Museum. 

Route To Space

Months before the actual move took place the Collett Heavy Lift Team meticulously planned the relocation, devising specialist slinging and lifting plans and transport loading techniques to facilitate the safe transport of the two valuable cargoes.  Not only did this project necessitate unique lifting solutions but required the provision of specialist insurance up to a value of £14m to cover all aspects of the moves.

Arriving bright and early the Collett Heavy Lift Team began the delicate project, carefully securing Thrust 2 before hoisting over the rear gates of the Museum to an awaiting low loader. 

Thrust 2 was then secured to the trailer ready for its short journey to the new gallery. Thrust SSC proved a little more challenging due to the extra wide wheel base which would over sail a standard trailer, therefore the Collett Team provided a 7 axle wide trailer to support the extra width of the supersonic car.  Carefully watched over by Museum Curators and staff, the 54ft long 10 tonne car followed in the footsteps of its predecessor Thrust 2 and was hoisted over the rear gates, to be secured to the awaiting trailer.

Utilising careful manual steering, both of the vehicles were then driven at walking pace the short distance around the outskirts of the Museum. With the cars positioned outside the Museum grounds, the vehicles were one at a time hoisted over the Museum gates, carefully removed from their lashings and delicately manoeuvred into their new position by Museum Staff.

Route To Space Alliance

+33 (0)5 62 71 97 96

Route To Space Alliance SAS, ZA de VIC, 4 Route des Transports, F-31320 Castanet Tolosan, France.