Space X Falcon 9

In March, 10 second generation Iridium-NEXT satellites began to be deployed into the existing constellation by the Space X Falcon 9 launcher. This was the 5th combination of satellites amongst the soon-to-be constellation of 81 with the next launch scheduled for May.

Space X Falcon 9

All the spacecraft were manufactured in Toulouse, Cannes, Turin and Rome at Thales Alenia Space sites and carried from these sites to Francfort airport by Chabrillac transports, the French Route To Space company, thanks to regulated temperature trailers with sliding sides.

These particular trailers allowed for the safe and regulated transport of the satellites of constellations Globalstar and O3B.

Route To Space Alliance

+33 (0)5 62 71 97 96

Route To Space Alliance SAS, ZA de VIC, 4 Route des Transports, F-31320 Castanet Tolosan, France.